Interdisciplinary Research Areas
Here, you'll find a general overview of the current research topics addressed within the research unit.
The research unit positions itself on the interface between mathematics and life sciences. We address current research questions using state of the art computational tools and expert knowledge from a mixed team of mathematicians, physicists, computer scientists, statisticians, and biologists.
A more detailled description of each group and current research topics can be found below or here (Effland group), here (Hasenauer group), and here (Thurley group).
Effland Group
Our research group focuses on applied mathematics with a particular focus on Biomedical Imaging Processing and Modelling. We are interested in developing novel algorithms and methods with a strong emphasis on biomedical applications. Our research topics include mathematical image processing & computer vision, machine/deep learning, modeling, and calculus of variations, which are designed for diverse medical fields such as immunology, radiology, and cardiology.
Hasenauer Group
Our research field encompasses a variety of topics including statistical inference, multi-scale models, metabolic models, mathematical modeling for infectious diseases, and machine learning in bioinformatics. In our research, we aim to provide insights into biological processes and make predictions through analysis, while also considering the complexities of the underlying mechanisms.

Thurley Group
We investigate the regulation of immune responses by quantitative data analysis and mathematical modeling, in close collaboration with immuno-biologists and clinical scientists.